I was doing some math when I, for reasons I can’t recall, remembered that scene from “The Amazing Spider-man 2” _in which, among a number of other things, there was a scientific calculator on the floor of Peter’s room. Interested to know what model it was, I googled it and landed on this post . The author identifies it as the _“HP-48GX or a closely related model.” 

When I looked at the pictures again, however, I realized that the calculator wasn’t the only interesting artifact among Parker’s possessions. My eyes fell on this thing here and with a jolt I realized that I happen to own one of them.


This thing, which Lucas Allen — the author of that post —  took to be a Palm PDA, is actually an Ericsson Chatboard CHA-01, a small portable QWERTY keyboard that allowed for some decent and fast typing in the old days. Back then, everyone wanted to have one of these. Richard Parker, being a scientist and doing some really sick work probably had to type long emails and messages and this would have been one of his essentials while travelling.

It also makes sense because it’s a Sony movie and they would of course focus more on showing the characters using a bunch of their products instead of focusing on producing a good movie that fans can appreciate.