Purely Javascript based solution allowing for easy creation of right-click context menus. Browse the code on GitHub. Demo
So, Haider posted on his Facebook timeline, a link to his then newly setup github repo which he had named “rightclick.js.” It was pretty clear what it was about so I gave his code a look. He is using JQuery, and (for some reason unclear to me,) NodeJS.
This morning, I decided to make my own in pure Javascript. I started around afternoon and got done with it a couple of hours ago. I wanted to call it contextmenu.js but there already exists a script by that name, and thus, out of respect, I renamed mine to contextmenus.js. The code happens to be a couple of files that together take up a total of 1812 Bytes of disk space. Everything that you need to know, in order to get it to work for you, is explained in the on the GitHub page.